Benefits and employment rights on the Dutch Continental Shelf

Since January 2012, employees on the Dutch Continental Shelf have enjoyed the same entitlements as employees on Dutch soil. They are entitled to benefits and enjoy the same employment rights.

Anyone employed on the Dutch Continental Shelf is entitled to benefits under the:

  • Sickness Benefits Act (ZW);
  • Unemployment Insurance Act (WW);
  • Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act (WIA);
  • General Child Benefit Act (AKW);
  • Surviving Dependants Act (ANW);
  • General Old Age Pensions Act (AOW);
  • Exceptional Medical Expenses Act (AWBZ).

Employees can also claim childcare benefit, means-tested child allowance and healthcare benefit. In addition, they are required to take out healthcare insurance. Read more

Have you been working on the Dutch continental shelf?

Have you ever worked on an oil rig or other fixed installation on the Dutch part of the continental shelf ? And you lived outside the Netherlands in that period? You may receive a higher old-age pension based on a ruling of the European Court of Justice.

Heeft u ooit gewerkt op een booreiland of een andere vaste installatie op het Nederlands deel van het continentaal plat? En woonde u in die periode buiten Nederland? Door een uitspraak van het Europese Hof van Justitie kunt u mogelijk een hoger AOW-pensioen ontvangen.